Oklahoma Association for Bilingual Education is a professional, nonprofit Association whose purposes relate primarily to bilingual education and include:
Recognizing the value of all languages as assets to Oklahoma and the United States of America, to the exclusion of none
Promoting the value of a multilingual citizenry
Recognizing, promoting and publicizing programs of excellence
Promoting efforts to assure equal educational opportunity
Promoting the provision of linguistically and culturally appropriate education services to children, youth, and adults
Promoting public understanding and appreciation of the linguistic and cultural needs of language-minority children, youth, and adults
Promoting the development of standards of professional excellence in bilingual education
Conducting educational workshops and conferences
Encouraging research and publications
Promoting the inclusion of English language learners/language-minority students in assessment systems that assess students in a language and form most likely to yield accurate and reliable information
Serving as an advocate for language-minority children and families
Cooperating in appropriate ways with other groups and associations having similar concerns.